About Me

Hello, I'm Shelby!
Ever since I can remember healing has been a natural part of my life. Starting at an early age my mom introduced my sister and me to alternative healing methods, such as massage and reiki. As my journey has progressed, I have found myself wanting to help others. This energy guided me towards the Texas Healing Arts Institute in Austin, Tx, which is where I obtained my massage therapy license in 2014. Since then, I have been traveling all over the world procuring my ThetaHealing Practitioner and ThetaHealing Instructor Certifications. Beside having attained many massage modalities, I’m also certified in Reiki, Raindrop Technique and Crystal Viewing Layouts. I have a passion for learning, traveling and experiencing new cultures. I believe if I can help someone improve their life mentally, physically, emotionally and/or spiritually in anyway, then in return I can assist in changing the world. What can I do to help improve yours?